Serving Homeless Veterans in Hampton Roads

Our Veterans Deserve Better Donate Now

Helping those

Who unselfishly helped us

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Welcome to Vetshouse Incorporated

Vetshouse, Inc. is a unique nonprofit organization serving homeless veterans in Hampton Roads. It is not a shelter, but a 12 month program providing contemporary living quarters in a group environment, assistance in job hunting, transportation, personal skills and development guidance.


We provide the necessary guidance to help some homeless veterans to get back on their feet again

Temporary Living

Although we are not a shelter, we can provide temporary living quarters for those who desperately need it.

Job Hunting

For those capable to rejoining the work force, we help find employment for them

Start today

Because everyone deserves to smile

How you can help…

We are in need of the following:

  • Roadworthy Automobiles to be given to the program participants
  • Bicycles for program participants
  • Dedicated people to donate $10 to $20 monthly for one year
  • 12 Dedicated People to pay one month mortgage payment once per year
  • Paper Towels and Toilet Paper
  • Non Perishable Food Items
  • Gift Cards from K-mart or Wal-Mart in order to buy meat, bread, potatoes, milk etc for newly arrived Veterans
  • Someone who is affiliated with a print shop to donate occasional printing to us
  • Occasional speakers who are in recovery to speak at our AA/NA meetings
  • Passes or tickets to local sporting events or movies









Test Article 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pellentesque accumsan ultricies. Quisque non ligula tincidunt, volutpat diam ac, eleifend tortor. Nam aliquet venenatis urna ac porttitor. Curabitur dictum arcu nunc, ut molestie urna molestie eget. Curabitur tristique nibh eros, sit amet aliquet nibh elementum in. Maecenas sed congue tellus, et pretium lacus. Quisque arcu [...]

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Test Article 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non fringilla velit. Nulla pellentesque magna sed arcu tristique placerat. Sed diam purus, varius ut elit sed, fringilla maximus diam. Suspendisse dignissim dui eget auctor venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut mi dui, iaculis ut dui non, [...]

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Test Article 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non fringilla velit. Nulla pellentesque magna sed arcu tristique placerat. Sed diam purus, varius ut elit sed, fringilla maximus diam. Suspendisse dignissim dui eget auctor venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut mi dui, iaculis ut dui non, [...]

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Reach Out to Us

Our Address

P.O. Box 62963
Virginia Beach, VA 23466

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